Wednesday, August 24, 2011


(Gabriel) If I told you how I really feel about you, you’d probably tell me I’m crazy.
(Ellie) Why?
(Gabriel) Because I think it’s crazy.
(Ellie) What’s crazy?  What are you talking about?  Tell me.
(Gabriel) Ellie, I’ve always had to close my eyes to imagine myself anywhere, but where I actually was.  You know, like some beautiful place you only see on t.v. or in books; a place where I never thought I would ever be.
(Ellie) What are you saying?
(Gabriel) What I’m saying is...[head down, hands in his pockets, he steps towards her.  Head rises.  He stares into her.] What I’m saying is…., I never have to close my eyes when I’m with you.     
  Her smile consumes him.  As she falls into him, peace begins to wrap around his heart.  Rising from her shoulder, silence is all he has to offer.  Neither his words nor his actions could ever do the love that he has for her justice.  In a world of chaos, he finds solace in her eyes.

Friday, August 19, 2011


If I were to know you, who would you be?  If I were given the chance to talk to you, what would you say?  Would I fall in love with the way you smile?  Would I become addicted to the sound of your laughter?  Would conversation ever be difficult to strike?  Would I want to know more?  Would you be who I think you are?  You’re simply left to my imagination, and the curiosity is overwhelming.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good Ole John Tesh

  Today I am listening to the music of the one and only, John Tesh.  This may surprise you, but I enjoy listening to John Tesh.  If someone were to ask me why I enjoy The Tesh, I’d have to say it’s due to his luscious, bountiful and beautiful hair, along with his talent as it relates to a piano.  People that know me would say, “Dude, you’ve never listened to John Tesh!”  Those same people would probably give me a little bit of a hard time as well.  What they don’t know is that I listened to John Tesh as a young lad.  I’d have to say that type of music really gets to me.  It’s not just The Tesh’s music that does it for me.  It’s that type of music.  Any music that I can close my eyes to, and imagine myself anywhere, but the place I’m actually in is my type of music.  Sometimes words get in the way of an imagination.

    When I was in 9th or 10th grade (I can’t remember which one.  I think it was 9th grade.), there was this girl in my typing class that I thought was absolutely beautiful.  I’ll move past the description because this is already pretty sappy.  Of course I was too scared to say anything to her, but I thought about her a lot.  This was around the time that the movie, Titanic, was really popular.  I came across the soundtrack for the movie one day, and I really liked the music.  It was the type of music I could close my eyes to and imagine myself anywhere, but the place I was actually in.  I would imagine myself talking to this girl that was in my typing class and asking her out on a date.  I would imagine her smiling and laughing, but not because I asked her out on a date.  The smiling and laughing was separate from the asking her out on a date scene (Stick with me here.).  I wouldn’t imagine us on the Titanic or anything like that.  It was just simple conversation, holding her hand, a smile or a laugh.  The funny thing was that I never even heard her talk.  She could’ve been completely ghetto for all I knew.  I never did muster up the courage to talk to her, and once that class was finished I never saw her again. 

  So, today I’m listening to The Tesh.  Even if you like hard rock, rap, alternative, etc…., you might like some of this type of music.  Some of it doesn’t work for me.  If I start to get the feeling that I’m standing in an elevator, I shut it down.  All I can tell you is, I’d give it a shot.  We all need an escape from reality sometimes, and for me, The Tesh’s music or music like his, helps me to go into what I call “Chill Mode”.  Chill Mode and a Solid Plan B seems to sum up my life these days.  Things change from day to day.  It can all be overwhelming.  A little Teshy Tesh brings me down a notch or two. 

“Chill Mode, a Solid Plan B, beautiful (possibly ghetto) typing class chick, epic Titanic film score and The Tesh – What else does one need to achieve complete escape?  Maybe a poptart.” 

Friday, August 12, 2011

You Get To Me

He misses talking to her.  The conversations were effortless.   A symphony plays in the background, and he thinks of her.  All the troubles of his world disappear at the very thought of her.  She knew him and he knew her.  How could this be?  Maybe they’ll never know.  One hand hangs for dear life on the cliff of chance; the chance that maybe one day he might meet her.  He smiles at the thought.  He just wants to know more.  He knows exactly what he would say, what she would say, and how the color of her eyes would cause his heart to pound on the walls of his chest.  “Forget about her.  Let it go.  You’ve never even met her.  She’s just an idea,” he says to himself.  But the curiosity of it all overwhelms him.  He wonders what she might be thinking.  Is she scared?  Does she feel stuck?  Is she so used to finding happiness by simply making the best of it?  Are the complications of others comfortable to her?  These thoughts, once at the forefront of his mind are now just a whisper.  The sound of her voice is still unknown to him.   

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Bond That Must Never Be Broken

  I have done very little in my life to deserve something so beautiful.  What act of kindness have I bestowed upon my fellow man to warrant such a blessing?  There is no reason as to why such a miracle should be granted to me.  Nevertheless, she stands before me with love piercing through her eyes and overwhelming joy abounding in every smile.  A symphony of peace flows from her arms as she wraps them around my neck, and warmth surrounds my heart at the sound of her voice.  Some would say the relationship between a father and a daughter is a tradition.  I say it is a bond that must never be broken.
  Recently, my daughter and I ventured out for a day at the beach.  As I proposed my plan to her that morning, her jaw cascaded to the floor and her eyes became alive with excitement.  Truth be told, I didn’t want to do very much that day, but something was pressing me to devise an eventful day for the five year old that has had to deal with quite a bit lately.  The beach seemed like a promising idea.  Just as soon as the plan was revealed, she immediately scampered off to her room to pack her bag full of everything one wouldn’t need at the beach – coloring books, costume jewelry and a balloon.
  After making sure that everything needed and not needed was packed and ready to go, the adventure began.  With the windows down and the music turned up, we were on our way.  Most girls that I know would prefer that windows be up and the music at a reasonable decibel, but this little girl rather enjoys the complete opposite.  While driving down the highway we were singing and dancing to the music with the wind blowing through our hair.  It was quite hot that day, which of course lead to slight perspiration.  But with the windows down, the kiss of the wind on our faces provided just enough comfort to maintain our fun and easy-going environment.  The scent of salt began to fill the air.  We both knew we were close.  The anticipation on her face was evident.  Her excitement was contagious.
  Soon after detecting the sights and sounds of the ocean, the sand was beneath our feet.  She was filled with so much excitement she could barely stand still long enough for me to lather her in sunblock.  I finished covering every inch of skin not concealed by her cute, little bathing suit, and in the blink of an eye she was indulged in all that the beach had to offer.  As I sat in my chair, I just watched her.  So carefree, so happy, and without a trouble in the world; I couldn’t help but smile.  Her joy is infectious, and sometimes all I need to get through a trying day is to throw myself into the world of my little girl.  Before I knew it I was digging a hole in the sand and filling it with water.  “Daddy, this is a pool for the fish we’re going to catch.”
  Later on in the day I found myself pretending to be a car riding the waves onto the shore.  Why she decided to be cars riding waves onto the shore, I didn’t know.  But I evoke imagination within my daughter day in and day out.  I indulge in anything her little imagination can conjure up.  Thusly, I spent the next hour pretending to be a car riding a wave onto the shore.  Just to hear her laugh and see the smile on her face was enough for me to ignore any possible embarrassment of having my legs fully extended out in front of me and my hands on an imaginary steering wheel with a massive wave hurdling me to shore.  I was indulged in her world, and nothing else in my world mattered.
  As the day progressed I found time to sit in my chair and just watch her.  I told myself, “These are the moments she will never forget.  Stephen, this is a day you’ll remember for the rest of your life.  Stephen, you’ve been through some tough times and there may be more to come.  But at least you have this day, and the promise of more days like this one.  You have her in your life.”  I didn’t want the day to end.  As I watched her play in the sand and run along the edge of the ocean, I knew that I could never love another as much as I love her.
  I love my daughter, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t fall more in love with her.  She gives me joy when I have none, peace in a world of chaos, and hope when disappointment weighs heavy on my shoulders.  I would like to think that all fathers love their daughters.  But can we take their love for granted?  Is our relationship with them considered more than a tradition?  The answer to both questions is yes.  Every daughter needs her father, and every father needs his daughter.  It’s a bond that must never be broken.

I will hold you in my arms, never to let go.  I will stand by you always.  Feel my love for you as it flows from my heart in abundance.  If you should turn away from me and become frightened, close your eyes and fall back into my arms.  My heart belongs to you.  Take of it what you wish.  I expect nothing in return.  And as the waves will always find the shore, my love will always find you.   -Stephen Griffin-

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mind Over Heart

My mind knows what needs to be done.  It's just waiting for my heart to catch up.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do Not Tremble

Do not to tremble.  All are watching.  Be strong, be brave and all will follow.  Your soul will shine a light upon the world.  Those who would attempt to hinder your path shall not move.  They live in fear.  For the light burns their skin.  Their screams are only whispers that echo in the darkness.  They are the audience in your theatre of life.  Those who would attempt to break you will shatter.  Listen to your heart and see through your eyes of love.  Bestow a smile in the face of hate and lay your anger at the feet of forgiveness.  This life belongs to you.  None shall take it.  Others will run, but you will stand.  Throughout your journey you will falter, but you will not relinquish your hope.  You will not sacrifice your faith.   The time has come for you to accept your fate.  Do not hesitate, rise when you fall and you will not fail.  Open your eyes.  See who you are and believe.  Your reflection is truth.  You are here for a reason and what awaits you is life.  Do not tremble.  For I will be with you always.